4 November 2009: If you want to compile gnupg yourself on a Snow Leopard machine please bear in mind that gnupg only will run in 32bit mode. Thus you will have to compile it for that mode by using the command ./configure CC="gcc -arch i386". We updated the HOWTO Build GnuPG on Mac OS X accordingly.
4 September 2009: Good news and bad news! First the good news: Jonas Schnelli volunteered to dig into the sources of GPGMail trying to make it compatible with Mail 4.0 from Snow Leopard. He definitely would be glad if someone could join him to discuss problems. So if you feel you could contribute please do not hesitate to get in touch with me or join the project GPGMail directly.
The bad news is, that code and libraries seem to be too old to be ported to a 64Bit System. Thus Jonas will aim for a 32Bit version for the time being. The consequence is that you will not be able to use the 64Bit version of Apple's Mail if you want to add encryption funktionalities to it. But I believe we could get over it, couldn't we?
2 days ago version 1.4.10 of GnuPG was announced. For those who cannot wait we updated the HOWTO Build GnuPG on Mac OS X accordingly. May I kindly ask the others to bear with us until we setup an installer for the binaries that also should work on Snow Leopard and backwards.
29 August 2009: First reports confirm what we already could have thought about. GPGMail is not compatible with Snow Leopard due to the fact that Apple changes Mail in every new release of the OS and does not document its changes at all. Unfortunately Stéphane Corthésy – the developer of this most usable software we all are dependant on – will not have the time to dig into the new release of Mail.app in order to change GPGMail accordingly.
So may I kindly encourage skilled developers used to work for Mac OS X and able to cope with undocumented features in Mail.app to take the work over in this project and help the community to still use GPG within Apple's Mail? Please turn to Stéphane directly and ask him how you could contribute. Thank you!
28 August 2009: Today, Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard was released. Unfortunately we did not yet get hold of copy of the new OS and thus could not yet test the compatibility of the MacGPG software with Snow Leopard. However, we would be pleased to receive reports. It is assumed that the base system (GnuPG 1.4.9) will work, but we do not know for the other applications. As soon as we know we will publish it here.
24 March 2009: It took me a year, I have to confess, to update GnuPG to its current version for which I have to apology. There are many reasons for my long absence but this is definitely not the right place to discuss this.
Please find GnuPG for Mac OS X 1.4.9 in theFiles section. Again we have to thank Benjamin for having it precompiled as a Universal Binary, so both PowerPC and Intel platforms should be supported.
19 December 2008: Support for GnuPG 2.x has now moved to a separate project http://macgpg2.sourceforge.net/
20 December 2007: Thanks to Benjamin Donnachie we can finally provide you with a current version of GnuPG (v 1.4.8). You may find it in the Files section.
Also, we celebrate the tenth anniversary of GNU Privacy Guard. Read A Short History of the GNU Privacy Guard by Werner Koch.
13 March 2007: The documentation on how to compile gnupg was updated to reflect the latest version. Also, the introduction which led to confusion when compiling on 10.3.x or lower was revised.
8 March 2007: We finally made it! One year ago Robert Goldsmith thankfully compiled an Universal Binary version of GPGPreferences and made it available as version 1.2.1 in the files section of the project pages at Sourceforge. Unfortunately he catched a buggy version of the german interface. This prevented from promoting this update an this website. Just now there was some time at last to correct that bug and package it again to version 1.2.2. So please refer to the Files section and feel free to download GPGPreferences running both on PowerPC as well as on Intel.
1 & 8 March 2007: Thanks to Benjamin Donnachie we can finally provide you with a current version of GnuPG (v 1.4.7). You may find it in the Files section.
7 December 2006: Attention! There is a security hole in GnuPG versions prior to 1.4.6 and 2.0.2 respectivly. We are working hard to provide you with a current installer for version 1.4.6 as soon as possible. However, meanwhile you should try to compile GnuPG by yourself by making use of the HOWTO found in section Documentation. (The HOWTO describes the compile process for 1.4.4. Please use it for 1.4.6 accordingly!)
6 September 2006: Thanks to Benjamin Donnachie we can finally provide you with a current version of GnuPG. You may find it in the Files section.
12 June 2006: If you ever have been afraid of working with GnuPG at all or of compiling GnuPG by yourself please refer to this Podcast by MacBreak. It introduces you to the concept of email encryption as well as to the compiling process in an entertaining way.
Whatever they say about the advantages of compiling GnuPG yourself please keep in mind that the installers provided by MacGPG also bring you the benefit of backing up your keys, providing you with additional documentation, add Localization and more!
24 April 2006: It appears that a library (libbz2) gnupg is dependend of is connected to the system differently on Mac OS X 10.3 and Mac OS X 10.4. This results in an annoying error when you installed the binaries on Mac OS X 10.3. Currently you only can use the installer for GnuPG 1.4.3 on a Tiger system.
We are currently working on a solution and will tell you as soon as we can provide working binaries for 10.3. Thank you for your patience.
22 April 2006: We are proud – finally – to announce the release of a new version of the GnuPG installer providing the current version of GnuPG with Universal Binaries. You may find it in the Files section.
3 April 2006: Today GnuPG 1.4.3 was published so we updated HowTo on how to compile gnupg accordingly.
14 March 2006: A new security issue was the reason to release gnupg Therefore the HowTo on how to compile gnupg was updated accordingly.
18 February 2006: Long time there was nothing heard of us. I appology for this, but due to new professional challanges I could not take as much attention to the project as it might have been necessary. I truely hope, this will change in the next couple of weeks.
You probably have heard of the security leak in gnupg 1.4.2 and earlier versions which make it highly recommendable to update to version We are aware of this issue and are working hard to provide you with a new installer as soon as possible. However, we will take this opportunity to also provide universal binaries to give owners of Intel-Macs an easy way of installing gnupg, too. This will take a couple of days, so please stay tuned. If you feel, that a quick update is vital please do not hesitate to refer to section Documentation to compile the source by yourself using the updated instructions.
There are only few Mac users who think the use of gnupg is important. Only a few of them are developers and only a few of those developers are willing and able to contribute to a nonprofit project during their leasure time. This might be the reason why the Mac GPG Project sometimes comes to a halt. (In fact it is not. There is still a lot going on in the background, like the forthcoming of MacGPGME and others!) Today, I truely hope I could convince a good friend of mine, a former Apple developer, to give applications like GPG Keychain Access and later maybe others a boost. Bear with me. He currently takes a look. This gives hope!
Mac GPG Project Admin
29 April 2005: Thanks to brave prerelease tester Jack Repenning we are pleased to announce that the following tools are compatible with Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger):
16 April 2005: It took a little longer than expected but today we proudly announce a new release of our installer for GnuPG for Mac OS X which will install version 1.4.1 of gnupg. This installer will backup your ~/.gnupg directory for your convenience. Furthermore you will find the latest configuration file which you optionally could use to make use of the latest options (your current options file will not be overwritten!). Please find GnuPG for Mac OS X 1.4.1 in the Files section.
16 March 2005: GnuPG 1.4.1 was released yesterday. Please find the updated HOWTO on building gnupg 1.4.1 in the Docs section. An installer is on its way and may be expected soon.
10 February 2005: The Mac GPG Project is pleased to announce the release of version 0.7.0 of GPG Keychain Access, our application for the management of GPG keychains. This application replaces GPGKeys version 0.6.1.
Features of GPG Keychain Access 0.7.0 include an improved user interface, online help, and limited integration into the Mac OS X environment. The application runs on Mac OS X 10.2.8 or later.
GPG Keychain Access is currently available with support for English and German. If you would like to help us translate the application into your favorite language, please visit our project site at SourceForge.
You may find GPG Keychain Access in the Files section.
23 January 2005: Today we released an updated version of GPG Made Easy, the framework to allow Mac OS X Applications to make use of GPG functionality. In order to give more developpers the chance to use this framework in their apps we changed the license to the LGPL. You can check out module GPGME from the CVS repository or download an archive you may find in the Files section of this page.
We also added an auto-generated documentation. See the section Documentation for downloading an archive or view the documentation in HTML.
19 January 2005: Randall Wood is working hard on a new version of GPG Keychain Access formerly known as GPGKeys. Currently we released Release Candidate 2 and we invite you to test this version and report errors and bugs to us. To do so please visit the Files section of our project pages at Sourceforge. If you want to report a bug please turn to the bugtracking system. Thank you.
18 December 2004: Instructions on how to build GnuPG from source were updated because of the new version 1.4.0 and can be found in the Docs section.
17 December 2004: GnuPG 1.4 was released yesterday with lots of improvements and changes compared to GnuPG 1.2.x. Before we provide an installer we need to check all these new features on the Mac, so please give us some time before we publish.
We then will need to check how the other applications and tools cooperate with the new GnuPG version. Since we lack active developpers it is not likely that we can improve apps not running with the new version of GnuPG but at least we could warn you.
However, bear with us, enjoy christmas (if this means something to you) and have a good start into 2005. You soon will be able to take profit of an improved GnuPG!
26 August 2004: First we should mention that we reached the final 20 of 209 software projects aiming for the MacGeneration Trophee at the Apple Expo in Paris. This is remarkable!
Next, GnuPG 1.2.6 was released today, carrying minor bugfixes, especially a nasty bug that made a change in the compiling and installation routine necessary. You will find the updated instructions in the Docs section as usual.
However, we are working on an installer for the current version of GnuPG but this will still take some time. So please bear with us!
14 August 2004: From 31 August to 4 September 2004 the Apple Expo in Paris will take place. For this reason MacGeneration – an organisation taking care of Mac software localized in French – posted an award for the best Mac product available in french. Since we take pretty much care of localizing our software incl. documentation I thought it was a good idea for registering for that award. So keep your fingers crossed!
27 July 2004: GnuPG 1.2.5 was released today, so we are working hard to provide you with binaries and an installer as soon as possible. Meanwhile you could compile GnuPG 1.2.5 by yourself by making use of our build instructions you may find in the Docs section. You really should read these instruction carefully since a bug leads to an adaptation of the usual way of building. However, we intend to release the installer within a week, so stay tuned.
26 February 2004: We had to remove the Mac GPG Quarterly collection of GPG software since it caused too much confusion. We are working on a new package scheme, so please stay tuned.
19 February 2004: We have to announce that Gordon Worley (aka redbird), initiator of Mac GPG project, retired on administering this project for personal reasons. Gordon leaves a great hole in the project as it was his enthusiasm, his ideas and his vision which helped us save our privacy on Mac OS X. We wish him all the best for his future!
New administrator of the project will be Alexander Nouak, our current Webmaster, translation coordinator, installer constructor, and generally all-hands person. Although not a programmer himself, he will try to concentrate all forces available to continue the work to make the use of GPG/PGP easier for Mac OS X users.
30 December 2003: We took the release of gnupg 1.2.4 as a reason to rebuild the installer for a Panther only version. In the Files section you now may find an installer for GnuPG 1.2.4 which only will work under OS X 10.3 "Panther". If you are still running OS X 10.2 or earlier you will have to use one of the other installers shown or build GnuPG on your own as instructed in the Docs section.
We all wish you a pleasant start into 2004. Happy New Year!
27 December 2003: Ho, ho, ho – Santa left something for us: a new version of gnupg. It's now 1.2.4 and Gordon didn't hesitate to update the build instructions which you may find in the Docs section. These instructions where successfully tested under Mac OS X 10.3 but are assumed to work under Mac OS X 10.2.x as well.
Would have been nice if Santa also brought the installer. But we can be sure we may expect it within the next few days. So stay tuned!
1 December 2003: A severe problem with ElGamal sign+encrypt keys has been found in GnuPG. This leads to a full compromise of the private key. Fortunately those keys are not in wide use and only creatable using special options. Please see the advisory on gnupg.org for details.
25 August 2003: A short time after the release by gnupg.org we are proud to announce the availability of the binaries for GnuPG 1.2.3 packaged in a nice installer with updated documentation and finally localized in Spanish and Swedish. Tiger support should be enabled, however, we encourage you not to use this digest any further since it is likely that the TIGER/192 digest will be removed from the OpenPGP standard. You may find the installer in the Files section.
If you want to build GnuPG 1.2.3 by yourself please refer to the updated HOWTO in the Documentation section.
11 August 2003: There is a small bug fix so that GPGFileTool will work with GnuPG 1.2.3. Because of changes to the way trust on secret keys is calculated, GPGFileTool 1.0.1 and earlier will not list any secret keys when using GnuPG 1.2.3. GPGFileTool 1.0.2 fixes this error and works correctly with GnuPG 1.2.3. Please find it in the Files section.
17 June 2003: There's a lot to announce these days! We are pleased to announce a very helpful book for developers to program with the GPGME and GPGAppKit frameworks. Programming with GPGME and GPGAppKit on OS X by Gordon Worley explains in detail how to make use of these libraries including example code and explanantions. Find more details on the book as well as download links on this page.
Gordon will represent the MacGPG project at this years MacHack conference from 19-21 June 2003. Please find his presentation on the same page mentioned above.
16 June 2003: It's with great pleasure that we unveil the Mac GPG Store. You can buy logo t-shirts, hats, mugs, bags, and other goodies. We offer them to you at cost; we earn no profit on them, so you get the lowest price possible.
If you have any comments or suggestions about the store, please e-mail them to Gordon.
15 June 2003: For developers the first public release of GPGAppKit, A1, is available for download in the Files section. It contains Cocoa user interface elements for getting single and multiple keys and for getting passphrases. Although it is in use in GPGFileTool 1.0.1, it should still be treated with a degree of caution.
3 June 2003: GPGFileTool 1.0 contains a bug that can cause a file to be encrypted to the wrong recipient. Although no one reported experiencing the bug, the potential is there. GPGFileTool 1.0.1 fixes this bug and can be found in the Files section .
Remember, those download links are to Webpages that offer you a choice of mirrors. Also, as a Safari user you should switch off the option to open " secure " files after download in the General Preference Pane of Safari in order to be able to verify the downloaded archives before they are expanded.
4 May 2003: Some slight modifications had to be done on the HOWTOs on building GPG and on installing IDEA. So find the updated versions in the Docs section.
11 April 2003: Because IDEA can no longer be loaded dynamically, the HOWTO on installing IDEA needed to be updated. You can find version 1.4 in the Docs section.
29 March 2003: We are pleased to announce the release of GPGFileTool 1.0 which is quite an exciting release, featuring working sheets, some bug fixes, and localization into English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Swedish. You can download it from the Files section. Please remember that Safari will auto ungzip files, so you may need to use a different browser to download GPGFileTool if you want to verify the MD5 checksum.
11 March 2003: A new version of GPGPreferences is out which now administers all options in gpg.conf introduced by GnuPG 1.2.1 instead of options. Don't worry, by launching GnuPG in your System Preferences the first time you will be guided through all steps necessary to change from options to gpg.conf. But be aware: GPGPreferences only works for GnuPG 1.2.x or higher! You can find GPGPreferences in the Files section.
9 February 2003: Since there have been some changes to idea.c, Gordon updated the HOWTO on installing IDEA. You can find it in the Docs section.
6 February 2003: Habemus signetum! – We have found a new logo for the Mac GPG Project! It's up there, take a look at it! You like it?
3 February 2003: GPGFileTool 0.9.1 is released. Since the first release had a bug in the german version we had to update to 0.9.1a. You can find it below.
And we finally are happy to announce the release of the Winter 2003 collection of all stable software from the MacGPG project as well as from contributing developers. If you are a german user, please keep in mind that this release still includes the buggy version of GPGFileTool. So you might want to download the above mentioned revised release 0.9.1a.
12 January 2003: GPGKeys 0.6.1 is out! Lots of improvements have been achieved, Spanish and Italian localization was added and it now uses brushed metal appearance. This release is pretty nice and is the most stable release of GPGKeys ever. You can download it below.
But there's even more: To give Gordon more room for development Alexander – who did most of the german localization so far – took over the responsability of the website. He also will aim for a redesign of the website in the next couple of weeks. Any suggestions are highly appreciated. If you want to contribute, e.g. by translating the website into your favorite language, just drop Alexander a note.
9 December 2002: Tiger support is now available with the GnuPG 1.2.1 binary. If you need it, download it below. Otherwise don't worry about upgrading; it's the same as the previous release otherwise.
A new snapshot of GPGME.framework is available below. This corresponds to libgpgme 0.3.14. Accords to the GnuPG project this should be considered a stable release.
7 December 2002: GnuPG 1.2.1 has at long last been released in binary form. You can download it below. Thanks to Chad for all his hard work on the installer. This one does not include support for Tiger, so if you need it, please wait a few days and we'll have a release out that includes it.
8 November 2002: GPGFileTool 0.9 is out after quite some delay. It is compatible with Jaguar only and fixes some of the bugs that afflicted previous releases. It also works with 1.2.1 if you have it installed, or 1.0.7. It is currently localized in English, German, French, and partially in Spanish.
26 October 2002: GnuPG 1.2.1 has been released. The building howto has been updated to version 4.2, which includes some improvements in the instructions. A binary release will be available shortly.
15 October 2002: It is now possible to build GnuPG 1.2 on OS X using the latest version of "HOWTO: Building GnuPG on OS X". This only works with Darwin 6.1/Mac OS X 10.2. Older versions of the OS require patches, but since we are no longer supporting those versions of the OS you are on your own if you want GnuPG 1.2. There is no binary available, but GnuPG 1.2.1 is supposed to be released within the week at which time a binary will be made available.
28 September 2002: With GPGKeys no longer crashing, we are happy to announce Mac GPG Autumn 2002. This contains all of our stable software and software from contributing developers. This is also the last place that you will find Mac GPG software that supports 10.1. Starting today all future versions of software released will not be guaranteed to work on 10.1. Sorry if this leaves you behind, but because of changes in the ABI it is simply not possible to keep developing for both versions of the OS without a good bit of extra work. Autumn 2002 will remain available in the future for everyone who hasn't upgraded.
27 September 2002: This time GPGKeys really won't crash. Version 0.5.2 is below. Thanks to everyone who helped with beta testing.
21 September 2002: GPGKeys will no longer crash on Latin-1 encoded names with GPGKeys 0.5.1. You can download it below.
If you've upgraded to Mac OS X 10.2, you may have had some trouble with getting GnuPG to work on the command line. The problem is that /usr/local/bin is no longer part of the default value for $PATH, so you need to add it yourself. See the archives of the macgpg-users list for instructions. Or, you can download a new version of the installer (r4) that is English only but will fix the problem for you.
31 August 2002: GPGPreferences 1.1.1 is available. It includes Danish and Swedish translations thanks to Thomas Dyhr and Mattias Holm, but is otherwise the same as GPGPreferences 1.1.
17 August 2002: The patch for GnuPG 1.0.7 now works on both OS X 10.1 and 10.2. If you were having difficulty building, this is what you'll want to get. Binaries continue to work on either version of the OS.
12 August 2002: Today we have three software releases. First, the installer for GnuPG has been fixed so that it puts the man pages in the right location. Second, GPGKeys is at 0.5 and now has a get info window to display everything you wanted to know about the keys in your keyring (and it shows photo IDs). Finally, GPGFileTool is at 0.8.8, which is a great improvement over the previous release. Signature statuses are human readable, the passphrase is accepted, and you can choose amongst all your secret keys.
6 August 2002: Yet another documentation update. The howto on building GnuPG has had one of its commands fixed because downloading from macgpg.sf.net rather than macgpg.sourceforge.net was causing problems. As with yesterday's news, if you were having trouble building, this should fix it.
5 August 2002: The howto for installing IDEA has been updated. The file has been moved on the GnuPG servers. If you had problems building before, it should work now.
18 July 2002: It seems the last news post has excited interest in designing icons for Mac GPG, I'm pleased to say. So, the icon contest is back on, only not as formally as before. No deadline is set, but a few people have stated that they are working on icons (and I even have a few good looking samples!). Since there isn't a time line, this may take time so that we can make sure we get really good icons, but we are on our way. If you're working on some icons, let me know and I'll keep you posted of developments.
15 July 2002: GPGPreferences 1.1 is available below. Among other changes, it has been updated for GnuPG 1.0.7 and has added a German localization. If you're using GnuPG 1.0.7, you should definitely upgrade (and definitely don't upgrade if you're using < 1.0.7).
Also, the icon contest has ended and we didn't get any reponse other than a couple of preview icons early in the contest. We're still interested in having better icons, though, so if you are a graphic artist and would like to help, please let me know.
30 June 2002: After many user requests, the Mac GPG Project has done a quarterly release that has all of our stable software along with documentation, links, and GPG software from other developers in a single disk image. It's a large download, but you get everything at once. As always, downloads are below.
Also, for anyone experiencing problems with the passphrase panel in GPGFileTool, we are aware of the bug and working to fix it. GPGFileTool 0.9 should be out real soon now.
12 June 2002: If you downloaded GPGFileTool yesterday and found that it didn't work very well, you were not alone. It had a linking error that caused some necessary frameworks not to be included. This has been fixed. Also, 0.8.1 has some German translation by Alexander Nouak, but it's not complete because GPGFileTool is not yet fully localizable.
Update: It seems that earlier release was not quite right. Research has shown the cause to be the .dmg image. Below is a tar'd and gzip'd version that works.
11 June 2002: GPGFileTool is available below. This is a program that will let you use GnuPG on any file on your computer to encrypt it, sign it, decrypt it, or verify it. This version (0.8) is still a bit rough around the edges and doesn't always provide the most helpful error messages, but it gets the job done.
16 May 2002: Start pushing those pixels, because today marks the start of the Mac GPG icon contest. Please read all the rules carefully and then work up your icons individually or as a team. You have until the end of next month to get your icons in for consideration. We'll pick the best submission and then those icons will grace the Mac GPG suite of applications.
11 May 2002: After about a year of work, GnuPG 1.0.7 is finally out and it's great and it's on the Mac. You can download it just below, as always. Also below you'll find GPGKeys 0.4.5, which has a few minor updates so that it works better with 1.0.7. Most of you will be interested, though, in that the new version allows you to search for keys on a keyserver. Thanks to the GnuPG folks for adding that feature.
A new release of GnuPG also means new patches and build instructions. You'll find both below. Be aware that the patch works, but it is not very graceful. In other words, don't use it on a system other than Darwin or Mac OS X as it will probably seriously screw up your attempts to build.
20 April 2002: Sorry for the delay in updating the Website. A couple of days ago we released GPGKeys 0.4.4 with numerous tiny improvements and GPGME 0.3.4, which has been in CVS for a while. You can download both below.
24 March 2002: With many improvements, GPGKeys 0.4 is available. Among other things, key listing is finally fast and you can search your keys, public and secret. As always, you will find it just below.
23 March 2002: Sorry about 1.0.6r5 yesterday. If you don't already know, it needed dlcompat installed to work, which most people don't have. The solution: 1.0.6r6. This has everything you need included and no dependency on dlcompat. If 1.0.6r5 is working fine, though, you have no reason to install r6.
22 March 2002: Voodoo is no longer required if you want dynload support so that you can use IDEA. Below you'll find GNU Privacy Guard 1.0.6r5, which has the dynamic loading patch applied. If you need to add IDEA, instructions are available. Also, the patch for GnuPG supports dynload as does the documentation on how to build GnuPG.
18 March 2002: We never sleep around here, just fix bugs. GPGPreferences 1.0.2 is below, fixing the key server list bug, the empty comment bug, and option file parsing problems. Also, a Spanish localization from Quique is included.
14 March 2002: Remember Mac GPG Keys? It's gone. Okay, not really, the name just changed to GPGKeys to be more consistent. If you'll look below, GPGKeys 0.2.5 is out. It has numerous changes but none of them are a big deal. Just a few small additions to make GPGKeys easier to use.
12 March 2002: Oops, seems we released some buggy software. If you had trouble installing GPGPreferences yesterday, try 1.0.1 available below. If you want more info, see the change log.
11 March 2002: Thanks once again to the efforts of Stéphane, your life is a little easier: GPGPreferences 1.0.0, available below, is a preference pane that simplifies editing the GnuPG options file.
21 February 2002: Tired of slow key listing? Yeah, me too. Mac GPG Keys 0.2.1 and GPGDropThing 0.4.3 solve the problem, listing keys as much as 10 times faster! Downloads below.
13 February 2002: GPGDropThing now has an official release. It turns out that what I thought was a bug was actually a feature. ;-) At any rate, you can download it below at the ripe old age of 0.4.2.
10 February 2002: Well, the day has finally come. Mac GPG Keys, the GUI front end for GnuPG on OS X, is here. It's in beta and still needs some work, but is usable. In all I think you'll like it. Also, GPGME.framework 0.3.0 is posted. This update has some API changes and some decent documentation. It can also be built for embedded use, which is what Mac GPG Keys uses. This way an application can support GnuPG without the user having to install GPGME (they still need to install GnuPG). Finally, a link to GPGDropThing is below since everyone keeps asking about it. An official version was almost out, but the version in CVS needs fixing to work with GPGME 0.3.0.
4 February 2002: This is just a quick note to let you know what's up. Mac GPG Keys is just about to go alpha, so keep watching this space for it. Similarly, GPGDropThing should be officially available in a few days. GPGME 0.3.0 is in CVS and expect a tarball soon, as well. Finally, the macgpg-devl list is now open so that anyone can subscribe to it. Of course, it still remains for developer discussions. The reason for this change is so that developers using GPGME can get help and report bugs. macgpg-devl remains the wrong place for anything like feature request or general bug reports; send those to users.
6 January 2002: Parlez-vous français? If so, you can now read the Mac GPG Website en français. Many thanks to Stéphane, Normand, Serge, and everyone working on translations. Keep watching for more to come.
22 December 2001: Okay, a couple of updates. GPGME.framework 0.2.3 Gamma is out. It's the same as the beta, but it has been tested a bit more, and GPGTester now works properly in this release. Of course, if you checked out of CVS in the past few weeks, you got this one. Also, translation efforts have started in earnest. Expect to see the Web site and documentation en français shortly. Also, there is a new mailing list, macgpg-i18n for discussion of translations, so if you'd like to get things into languages other than French and English, post there and we'll start coordinating efforts.
18 December 2001: There are just a couple of notes today. One, Fink will allow you to install GnuPG if you prefer that method (it has been available for a couple of months, but I only recently became aware). Also, some links were fixed.
11 December 2001: If you've been having trouble with gpg giving you messages like 'no valid OpenPGP data found', you may find the utility mac2unix very useful. Created by wraping a shell script using DropScript, mac2unix is a small application that will convert Macintosh style line endings (CR) or Unix style line endings (LF). So, next time you get an error, try this before pulling your hair out. Download available below.
8 December 2001: Life is nice. For some of you, anyway. Thanks to the efforts of Chad Patten, Easy Install GnuPG for Mac OS X Admins is out. The big news, well, Installer.app is used. It seems to be working okay and not screwing people up, so give it a go. You'll find it below with a more complete explanation of which download(s) are right for you.
30 November 2001: Some of you will be glad to know that Easy Install GnuPG 1.0.6r4 is out. If you have r3 installed there's no reason to download this one: the only changes are to the documentation, refined to make the install process easier. Also, a copy of the GnuPG Handbook in English was included, which you can get here.
15 October 2001: GPGME.framework Beta 0.2.3 is out, sort of. This is just so that you can start playing with it, but things are still being worked on. Anyway, bang on it and report bugs.
5 October 2001: If you like to build things yourself (as you should), you might want to check out the again updated HOWTO: Build GnuPG on OS X. Version 2.2 is a bit easier to follow (i.e. you don't have to guess at how to do so much stuff ;-)) and contains some additional information about random numbers.
3 October 2001: For everyone with OS X 10.1, rejoice, for Apple has blessed us with a random device, and it is good. :-) Easy Install GnuPG 1.0.6r3 is out, and this one is good for everyone. The old ones are still available, though, in case you haven't upgraded yet. Also, the HOWTO on building is updated to 2.1 to reflect the lack of need for EGD.
24 September 2001: Today we finally have a binary release, if you can believe it: 1.0.6r2 for Admins. That means if you are using (or can use) EGD at startup then this is for you. A new version is forthcoming that will allow those without root access to install GnuPG. Also, look for a binary release of GnuPG with EGD at startup bundled in.
23 September 2001: Well, it seems Friday was not as bad (AFAIK) as it was thought to be, but that just means things have probably been delayed a couple days (after all, it is Congress). Or, maybe everyone contributing really did help (wouldn't that be nice?). Anyway, the real reason for this update is that a couple of things are new. There is now one, yes just one, patch to make GnuPG compile on OS X. It includes everything: asm, mlock, and configure fix. To go along with this, the HOWTO on building has been updated to 2.0. Again, binaries are on the way, it just takes time to build everything and package it up nicely. Plus, there's the added challenge in that the binaries are being split into a user and admin install (depending on your rights on the machine, nothing else).
19 September 2001: Welcome all you folks coming from MacSlash. :-) Today there are many updates. I didn't really have time to do this update, but it seems I've done it anyway. First off, there's now a patch to get mlock working on OS X. You'll need to use the new build instructions for now, binaries on the way (wait for the weekend or early next week). EGD at start up for those of you with root access on OS X has been updated to release 1 with a new, better start up script that Laurie and I put together. Finally, GnuPG has released GPGME 0.2.3, so expect to see GPGME.framework up to that before too long. If that's not enough, today is the last day to talk to Congressmen/women about protecting your privacy rather than violating it all over the place come Friday, which I hope doesn't come to be known as the day of Smackdown on Civil Liberty.
16 September 2001: I encourage everyone to read this article if you are even slightly interested in your privacy and live in the US. The very future of the Mac GPG project may depend upon it, not to mention your personal privacy and security in general.
11 September 2001: Well, aside from all the crazy stuff that's been going on in the US today, I managed to put together EGD for Administrators, so that folks with root access on their computers can have egd.pl start at start up. Also, as a note, the entropy pool is now at /var/run/entropy, so for now you'll need to build GnuPG on your own with the new socket location. Binary release of GnuPG for OS X Administrators forthcoming.
5 September 2001: For those of you who are interested, there is a beta of GPGME 0.2.2 available here. The MD5 hash is a088d4f13ac27cb6232c5db575bee011, but you should use the detached sig to verify the archive of sources (that's right, no binaries since this one is for developers anyway) if you can. Send feedback to macgpg-users.
26 August 2001: There is an FAQ that answers basic questions about the project. Please read this before you e-mail! These really are frequently asked questions! An, while on the subject of documentation, we need someone who'd be willing to translate the documentation and Web site into French. Personally, I (Gordon) could do it, but just don't have the time (not to mention many of you write better French than I do, I'm sure). If you're interested, send some e-mail.
19 August 2001: If you check the CVS, you'll see that, thanks to Stéphane Corthésy, the GPGME framework has moved along quite a bit. The API is not finalized nor has the code been throughly tested (plus some functionality is not there yet), but for all of you who were after this, it is getting much nearer.
11 August 2001: Sorry of the lack of updates lately, but I, Gordon, have been busy and the last couple of weeks we've actually been doing some development. We have CVS working, so check that out at the project page. Also, to go along with this, there is a mailing list of CVS commits. Finally, my regular e-mail is working again, so don't worry about sending to redbird@mac.com.
4 July 2001: Easy Install GnuPG 1.0.6r1 is out. This version now uses the assembly code, so it should be faster (thanks to Jeremy Cooper). Also, you'll find that the building HOWTO has been updated to reflect the new build instructions to make use of the assembly code, including a couple of patches to make things easy. Also, my, Gordon Worley's, e-mail is working again, but if there are any problems with sending again just send it to redbird@mac.com.
29 June 2001: The HOWTO on building GnuPG on OS X has been updated to a simpler process. The older version, however, is still available. Also, both have been moved under the Documentation section, since that's what they are.
28 June 2001: Okay, yesterday's big scare turned out to all be a misunderstanding between Werner Koch and me. It would almost be funny if it hadn't interrupted everyone's usage for a day. Well, everything is okay again, GnuPG on OS X really does generate good random numbers, and always remember that rndunix.c is part of GnuPG, not the system. ;-P
27 June 2001: This is another emergency update. READ THIS NOW for more info; your security depends upon it!
25 June 2001: This is an emergency update of sorts. My, Gordon Worley's, normal e-mail is not working at the moment. All of the .cx domain is down! Please send any messages intended for addresses at rbisland.cx to redbird@mac.com.
15 June 2001: Easy Install GnuPG 1.0.6. It's pretty much like the last release, just a new version of GnuPG. :-) This one has an important security fix and makes key server support work again. Also, there is now a howto up on how to install GnuPG. It is plain text and clear signed.
22 May 2001: Easy Install GnuPG 1.0.5r1 has been released, fixing a bug that caused it to, well, not work. Also, the documentation is clearer, which is good.
7 May 2001: Easy Install GnuPG 1.0.5 is out. See the GnuPG website for details on what the changes are. As for the Easy Install aspect, it is now a .tar.gz install process, rather than one of Apple's packages that was causing problems. The patch to get GnuPG 1.0.5's config.status to create the necessary make files is below. Also, the project now has a logo (see image at top of page).
31 March 2001: Another release of Easy Install GnuPG: 1.0.4p1r1. This fixes some bugs from the previous version and errors in the documentation.
25 March 2001: Easy Install GnuPG 1.0.4p1 released. Download below. MD5 verification number listed for archive.
11 March 2001: Some minor changes made to the page. Development is comming along. We are currently working on making GnuPG easy to install on Mac OS X. Check back soon for more details and downloads.
25 Feb. 2001: Page is posted. Check it out an let me know what you think. More to follow soon.